【講師】: 楊明敏醫師
Speaker Bio:
- 精神科專科醫師;國立清華大學歷史學碩士;法國第七大學精神病理與精神分析博士。國際精神分析學會(IPA)精神分析師。
第 1-2 講 古典篇
1. 朵拉A夢與移情
- ON DREAMS (1901), by S. Freud, S. E. V.5
- Freud’s Self-Analysis, bu D. Anzieu, 1986.
- Trois reves freudiens, Mario Cifali, Collection psychanalytique remise en question, Eshel, 1999
2. 最佳的夢使用手冊、做夢的能力
- Dream Analysis, A Practical Handbook for Psychoanalysis, by Ella Freeman Scharpe, 1937.
- “The use and abuse of dream in psychic experience” by M. Masud R. Khan, in the International journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 1972.
第 3-6 講 現代篇
3. 夢與自我、身份心理學:夢仍舊是通往無意識的皇家大道?
- “Dream in clinical psychoanalytic practice” by Charles Brenner, in Journal of Nervous and Mental disease, 1969.
- “The exceptional position of the dream in psychoanalytic practice” by R. R. Greenson, in The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1970.
- “The Dream Specimen of Psychoanalysis” by E. H. Erickson, in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1954.
- “A psychoanalytic-dream continuum: the source and function of dreams” by R. Greenberg and C. Pearlman, in International Review of Psycho-Analysis, 1975, 2:441-448
4. 夢與客體關係學派:夢除了修復之外,還有何種功能?
- “The function of dreams” by Hanna Segal, in The Work of Hanna Segal, 1980.
- “Dream as an object” by J-B. Pontalis, in The International Review of Psycho-Analysis, 1974.
- “Dream psychology and the evolution of the psychoanalytic situation” by M. Masud R. Khan, in The International Journal of Psych-Analysis, 1962.
5. 夢與自體心理學:做夢與說出一個夢有差別嗎?
- “Psychoanalytic phenomenology of the dream” by Robert D. Stolorow and George E. Atwood, in The Annual of Psychoanalysis.
- “The experiencing of the dream and the transference” by Harold Stewart, in The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1973.
- “The manifest dream content and its significance for the interpretation of dreams” by Jacob Spanjaard, in The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1969.
6. 夢與法國精神分析:移情的詮釋還是慾望的詮釋?
- Le séminaire : Livre VI, Le Désir et son interpretation, by J. Lacan, 1958-1959, le 14 jan. 1959, Seuil.
- “Désirer ou/où rêver”, by Guy Rosolato, in L’éspace du rêve, 1972, Gallimard.
- “The Lady with the Raincoat and the Little Button: The Turning Point of an Analysis—Reflections on Desire, Listening, Resonance, and the Birth of a Mutative Interpretation.” R. Dufresne,1992, Psychoanal. Inq., 12:314-367.
第 7-8 講 夢與空間、藝術
7. 夢與超現實主義
- “André Breton and the Politics of the Dream: Surrealism in Paris”, 1918–1924, J.J. Spector 1989, Am. Imago, 46:287-317.
- “Le rêve dans le surréalisme”, by S. Alexandrian, in L’espace du rêve, 1972, Gallimard.
- Aragon (1924), Louis Aragon, Une Vague de rêves (Paris, 1924)
8. 夢、螢幕和舞台
- “The film of the dream” by Didier Anzieu, in The Skin Ego, 1989.
- “Some reflection on analytic listening and the dream screen” by James Gammill, in The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1980.
- “Dream Psychology and the Analytic Situation.” By B. D. Lewin ,in Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1955
- “Sleep, the Mouth, and the Dream Screen”. By B. D. Lewin in Psychoanalytic Quqrterly, 1946.
第 9-10 講 夢、創傷與腦部科學
9. 夢魘:為何重複,滿足了什麼呢?
- “Nightmares and the Combat Neurosis ”, by T. Lidz, in Psychiatry, 1946.
- “Toward a Theory of Nightmares”, by J. Mack, in Nightmares and Human conflicts, 1970.
- “De l’Esquisse à l’Interprétation des rêves : coupure et clôture”, by A. Green, in L’espace du rêve, Gallimard.
10. 夢與快速動眼期(REM):腦的意義?還是夢者的意義?
- “Experimental and Clinical Approaches to the Mind-Body Problem through Recent Research in Sleep and Dreaming”, by C. Fisher, in Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy, Synthesis or Antithesis?, 1978.
- “The Brain as a Dream Machine: An Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis of Dreaming”, by J. A. Hobson, in The Dreaming Brain, 1988.
- “The Analysis and Creation of Dream Meaning: Interpersonal, Intrapsychic, and Neurobiological Perspectives.” Blechner, M.J. ,1998, Contemp. Psychoanal., 34:181-194.
- 【線上報名】
2016年5月3日起,每週二晚上19:30-21:00,共10堂。(5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/5)
- 【費用】 全系列報名9,000元
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