
Speaker Bio: 

     —講自體的心理學案例書(The Psychology of Self:A Casebook)


1.  搞不懂太太為何跟他離婚的受雇作家 Mr. M

Anonymous (she). (1978). Ch. 3 Transformation of Archaic Narcissism. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc. 


2.  一肚子火的Mrs. Apple與分析師的毛病

Anonymous (she). (1978). Ch. 4 The Consolidation of A Cohesive Self. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc.


3.  自戀移情中創傷的處理

Anonymous (she). (1978). Ch. 4 The Consolidation of A Cohesive Self. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc.


4.  寫不出論文、穿著也完全不搭的研究生Mr. E

Anonymous (he). (1978). Ch. 5 Analysis of A Mirror Transference in A Case of Arrested Development. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc.


5.  對自己的生命感覺到模糊不清的年輕人Mr. B

Anonymous (she). (1978). Ch. 7 A Case of Chronic Narcissistic Vulnerability. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc.


6.  當分析師遇見了以內外在創傷構築的散亂世界

Anonymous (she). (1978). Ch. 7 A Case of Chronic Narcissistic Vulnerability. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc.


7.  失望透頂的R太太

Anonymous (he). (1978). Ch. 6 Commentary on the Analysis of a Hysterical Personality. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc.


8.  比較理論觀點的不同如何改變了與歇斯底里個案的臨床技術

Anonymous (he). (1978). Ch. 6 Commentary on the Analysis of A Hysterical Personality. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc.


9.  花心工程師 Mr. I

Anonymous (he). (1978). Ch. 2 The Resolution of a Mirror Transference: Clinical Emphasis on the Termination Phase. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc. 

[6/17]  (註:因講師因素,原訂6/24課程日期改為6/17)

10.  轉化性的內化與分析的結束

Anonymous (he). (1978). Ch. 2 The Resolution of a Mirror Transference: Clinical Emphasis on the Termination Phase. In A. Goldberg (Ed.). M. F. Basch, M. S. Gunther, D. Marcus, A. Ornstein, P. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, P. Tolpin, & E. Wolf (Contributing eds.). Written with the collaboration of Heinz Kohut. The Psychology of Self: A Casebook. Connecticut, US: International Universities Press, Inc. 
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  • 【線上報名】
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    窺視,那有知無知之境—講自體的心理學案例書 A全系列報名
    • *不允許單元報名



    • 2021年4月15日起,週四晚上19:30-21:00,共10堂。
      ( 2021年 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17 )
      《線上課程開放時間》2021/4/21 至 2021/7/24




  • 【費用】 全系列報名10,500
  • 1.本課程與「臺灣精神分析學會」合辦,合辦單位會員可享優惠價報名。 2. 以學生價報名者請於現場簽到時出示公私立學校有效學生證,報名全程線上上課者,請email學生證照片檔或掃瞄檔為證。3. 本課程提供曾參與週四「當代精神分析」系列課程之學員以「舊生優惠」價報名。
  • 【舊生優惠】全系列報名8,500
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  • 本課程適合精神科醫師、心理師,以及護理、社工、職能治療等相關專業人士,更歡迎對文學、藝術、人性、敘事和精神分析有興趣的讀者一同共襄盛舉。


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  • 3. 課程開始前,報名及繳費完成後,7日內可全額退費,7日後可退費80%。 課程開始後,恕不退費。
  • 4. 洽詢: e-mail : info@ianalysis.com.tw